New Home Construction Wiring
When you’re building a new home, it’s important that your vision meets the reality when it’s finished and you’re moving in. Too often some detail is missed or not accounted for. Our goal is to work with homeowners to ensure the requirements for those goals are satisfied. We coordinate with your other contractors so that we’re not in the way during the construction. All the same, many of those contractors are dependent on reliable electrical work to run their equipment. This is something we try to stay conscious of throughout the project so that things go smoothly. We got our start in the construction business, so we have insight into the process and can anticipate potential snags and plan around them. That background gives us experience with every other contractor’s job. While we specialize in electrical work, being able to anticipate what other people are going to be doing allows for smoother collaboration.
This is the opportunity for custom electrical work
Many general contractors use templated designs to quickly build homes. It’s efficient to operate this way, but it doesn’t account for customization. We make it a point to discuss these goals with homeowners early on. This way, we can make sure the wiring and outlets are where they need to be to suit your vision. Some simple examples of customization include:
- Being able to control lights from multiple switches
- Having extra outlets in rooms you’ll have a lot of devices
- Installing smart home features, like thermostats, security systems, or even electric car charging ports in the garage
- Customized track lighting, ceiling fixtures, or smart lighting
It makes a big difference when you move into your newly-built home to have these kinds of things perfectly in place. New construction is a great time to plan for them, even if things like smart home features weren’t considerations initially. In many cases these amenities are straightforward and including them gives you a lot of flexibility in the future for the types of devices you can use easily in your home. You won’t be overloading any circuits, and the likelihood of tripping the circuit breaker diminishes notably.
We build to the latest standards for safety and efficiency
There are several construction requirements now that didn’t exist even as recently as 10 years ago. One common example is the way countertop appliance circuits must be wired separately from everything else in the kitchen. It used to be that everything could be tied together in one circuit, but modern safety standards require isolating these lines. When you’re living in an older home this can mean a bit more effort to rework the wiring. For new construction projects, though, it’s far easier to frame everything out correctly from the start. Wherever possible, we also like to future-proof the home by anticipating eventual power needs etc. This helps prevent costly tweaks later. The advantages of building a new home are numerous. Folks often say, “You’re not inheriting someone else’s problems,” and there’s certainly truth to that. As it pertains to your electrical systems, it means that you can rest assured that your home is carefully wired, and employs all the special considerations that keep your family safe and the home efficient.
Smart systems increase your home’s value, too!
Beyond the obvious cool factor of smart home systems, these amenities also add value to your home. If you think you may sell your home at some point, these systems are a good investment beyond how they serve your family. Think about it: Security and ease of maintaining the home are big things anyone thinks of when they’re shopping homes. You probably are thinking the same as well for this home building project. Knowing that those things are already in place is a big load off anyone’s back, and they’ll pay extra for that.